Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cuaca Panas, Tak Benar Matahari Dekati Bumi

SMS soal kenaikan suhu hingga 4 derajat celcius dianggap menyesatkan.

VIVAnews - Seminggu terakhir ini beredar SMS terkait kenaikan suhu hingga empat derajat. Pesan pendek ini dikaitkan dengan cuaca panas yang dirasakan warga Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Benarkah, suhu meningkat sedrastis itu?

Peneliti matahari dan antariksa Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin yang dihubungi VIVAnews, Rabu 28 April 2010 menepis isu tersebut.

Menurut pria yang akrab dipanggil Djamaluddin ini, SMS yang tidak jelas sumbernya itu juga pernah beredar pada April 2009 lalu. Isi SMS itu kira-kira “Dikabarkan besok terjadi kondisi di mana jarak matahari-bumi semakin dekat. Kemungkinan besar radiasinya dapat merusak kulit, terjadi antara jam 8 – 16. Jangan pakai pakaian hitam, sebab penyerapan energi matahari dapat merusak kulit hanya dalam 5 menit.”

Sementara, SMS yang beredar pada April 2010 bunyinya serupa dengan berbagai versi sumbernya: ”Empat hari ke depan jangan pakai baju hitam karena matahari sedang mencapai titik terdekat dengan Bumi. Seluruh wilayah bumi mengalami kenaikan suhu 4 derajat. Berpeluang menyebabkan kanker. Gunakan sunblock dan banyak minum air putih.”

"Informasi tersebut jelas menyesatkan," kata Djamaluddin yang juga menulis masalah ini dalam blognya. Kata dia, orbit bumi mengitari matahari yang sedikit lonjong menyebabkan bumi mendekat dan menjauh dari matahari secara teratur.

Jarak terdekat bumi–matahari (disebut perhelion pada jarak147 juta km) terjadi setiap awal Januari. Dan jarak terjauhnya (disebut aphelion pada jarak 152 juta km) terjadi setiap awal Juli.

"Jadi, bulan April tidak ada fenomena jarak bumi-matahari makin dekat. Dengan demikian informasi lainnya juga tidak benar. Kalau pun bumi berada pada jarak terdekat dengan matahari, radiasinya tidak signifikan variasinya. Jadi tidak ada dampak apa pun," kata dia.

Djamaluddin menduga ada yang mengaitkan dengan perasaan lebih panas sekitar Maret-April. Padahal fenomena lebih panasnya suhu udara di sebagian besar kota di Indonesia pada Maret-April, tidak terkait dengan jarak bumi–matahari. Data suhu rata-rata di beberapa kota memang menunjukkan dua puncak sekitar Maret-April dan juga September-Oktober.

Hal itu terjadi karena faktor peralihan angin pada musim pancaroba. Di Indonesia angin Monsun Australia (Juni-Juli-Agustus) yang kering membawa udara dingin dari arah Selatan yang sedang musim dingin, sehingga cenderung saat kemarau relatif lebih sejuk.

Demikian juga saat angin Monsun Asia (Desember-Januari-Februari) yang basah membawa udara dingin dari arah Utara yang sedang musim dingin, sehingga musim hujan juga relatif dingin.

Saat musim peralihan (Maret-April-Mei dan September-Oktober-November) angin cenderung lemah (kecuali angin lokal saat terjadi puting beliung) dan bersifat lokal, sehingga tidak ada efek pendinginan.

"Radiasi panas (inframerah) dari permukaan yang terpanasi relatif tidak tersebar. Efek pulau panas perkotaan makin terasa pada musim peralihan ini," kata Djamaluddin. (hs)


bee gees greatest hits

waw malam ini trasa damai sambil ngndengerin lagu2nya bee gees. serasa kembali ke jaman tahun 70an pas john travolta masih sering dancing wkwkwkwk... pokonya adem benerrr.... lagu2 nya bikin malam jd tnang.... love it....

bee gees musisi yang slalu menembus jutaan copy dalam setiap penjualan kaset dan audio, dari mulai 2 jt - 4 jt copy yang terendah hinga 40 juta copy ... terjual diseluruh dunia.. pokokny legend lah... wkwkwkwk berlebihan.... intina mah slamat mnikmati.... hahahaa

About my posting long day before

starting now i'll not sharing the link of video or mp3 music if there was a copyright license, because i dont want to have any problem with that, except if their give it for free i will share it with you. i just try to be little more carefully for posting in my blog. Is nice to share the news about music and all the new albums. but i don't want to have a problem with their copyrighted or similiar products lincense. but still we can share in the right way of course we can share about all the things in music we like. so don't be afraid to share it with me... :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


I should stop smoking... seperti halnya kata2 seorang psykiater bila seorang pria merokok biasanya dia membutuhkan sesuatu kegiatan untuk menemaninya .....

Rocker juga manusia..... :D

Ada kalanya, seorang pria penyendiri membutuhkan dirinya sendiri dalam kesendirian. Dan ada kalanya pria penyendiri membutuhkan seseorang untuk menemaninya dalam sedih maupun senang. Seorang pasangan hidup yang menerima nya apa adanya, sosok seorang gadis yang memiliki kedewasaan untuk menjalani hidup dengan tulus dan berbagi suka maupun duka, berdua...

word of the day

kata mutiara hari ini adalah Simple is Creative dalam menciptakan sesuatu atau berkarya kita harus lebih mementingkan tujuan ataupun fungsi. Kata simple disini berarti sederhana tetapi, bukan sederhana kosong/sedikit tapi adalah sederhana optimal yang anda masukkan kedalam karya anda adalah unsur2 yang memang semestinya berada pada tempatnya bukan karena mengejar sederhananya tapi malah menjadikan anda berlebihan... ingat kata nabi muhammad saw manusia itu tidak boleh melebih-lebihkan/berlebihan seperti pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Contoh : makan lah sebelum lapar dan berhentilah sebelum kenyang dan masih banyak lagi . ada yang pernah dengar less is more. ending ny ga jelas am sori gudbay.... :D
(lg g mood nulis kata2 :)V )

( ajig malah terlihat bodoh damn!! yang pnting bs ketawa wkwkwk )


hai semua,

hai teman, sahabat, brader, lur, pren, .... my little one (i hope :D ) ... just want to say hai.. dan smoga hari ini lebih baik.... karena hari esok adalah hari ini dan masa depan adalah hari ini.... ALL DAY IS A NEW DAY............ slmulekum.... :)

sampai jumpa besok... smngaatt mari berkarya kmbali..... mksimalkn potensi dlm diri....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Joey Jordison (1)

Sekilas tentang Joey jordison

Siapa yg enggak kenal dengan musisi yang satu ini dia adalah seorang pemain drum pada band beraliran Nu metal Slipknot band yang berasal dari IOWA amerika serikat yang telah mendapatkan berbagai pe
nghargaan di bidang musik dan juga gitaris pada band projek sampingan nya sendiri yang beraliran horror punk/glamour rock Murderdolls. Joey jordison yang bernama kengkap Nathan jonas jordison ini semasa sekolahnya aktif dalam kegiatan bermusik, semasa disekolah dia bermain drum dan banyak bermain dalam berbagai band. instrument pertama joey dia sebelum menjadi seorang drummer dia pertama memainkan alat musik gitar. Pada ii agustus 2010 kemarin dia berhasil meraih gelar The best drummer in 25 year yang dilakukan secara voting dan telah menyisihkan drummer-drummer kenamaan dunia khususnya drummer beraliran rock dan metal lainnya. joey berada di posisi pertama dan menyisihkan Mike portnoy ke posisi kedua dan seterusnya disusul oleh drummer2 kenamaan lainnya. Travis barker yang juga drummer yang sangat berbakat serta memiliki ciri khas dalam bermain drum tersisih ke urutan nomor enam dari seluruh nominasi yang berjumlah 20 drummer international. acara ini di adakan oleh majalah musik yang mengusung alat musik drum sebagai tagline.

kembali ke joey jordison, beberapa bulan kebelakang dia telah selesai Tour dengan band Rob Zombie dan berbagai aktifitas nya dalam bermusik dan merampungkan album barunya dari band side projeknya Murderdolls yang berjudul Children and woman l
ast dan baru saja merilis single pertama dari albumterbarunya My dark place alone. Setelah kepergian bassis slipknot Paul gray dan diwawancara oleh berbagai media joey dan personel slipknot lainnya akan kembali membuat album baru dan yang masih menjadi misteri adalah siapakah pengganti bassis slipknot the pig ini ya mungkin sebagai additional player sementara ini.. kita tunggu saja ... hehe....


Full name: Nathan Jonas Jordison

Date of Birth: 26th April, 1975, Born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa
Plays: Drums (and Guitar!)
Height: 5"5
Status: Single
Wears: His mask is a white japanese expressionless kabuki mask, now painted with black scars and fake Blood. He has long black hair with vivid red-steaks.
He's the most talkative member of the group
He is also the creator of the tribal S symbol for the band. Joey is Known for being one of the fastest drummers in metal history.
He was one of the original members of Slipknot, and drummed for MFKR
Rip's off the arms and legs of his suit, because its easier to drum.
He's talkitive, diminutive, and just really down to earth. He writes a lot of their songs, including Scissors.
He mixed the self titled album.
He created the term "Maggot" for a slipknot fan...
First Record Ever Bought: 'Kiss Alive'

Musical Heroes: Fantomas, KISS, Slayer, Venom, Mercyful fate, Misfits, Mike Patton,Melvins.
The First concert he ever saw was Kiss on the "Asylum" tour

Is a big fan of Fleetwood Mac...actually he listens to Fleetwood Mac every night before going to sleep
Joey's first job was as sales associate at a retail record store in
West Des Moines.
Before Slipknot, Joey played in a band called Modifidious with Craig.
When asked to describe himself in three words, he replied: "Introvert, quiet and attentive", yet others say he is quite talkitive...
In his opinion, Black Sabbath was the most heavy metal band ever.
Hobbies: "It is pretty much covered by music 24/7. Aside from that, maybe video games, sleeping and sex"
Bands played/plays in: "Anal Blast","Modifidious", "The Rejects"
Joey worked at a record store called "Music Land" and a gas station called "Sinclair's" he worked at the garage 4 nights a week for 10 hours after being tempted by a friend to get a job there. Joey likes to wear a black hood that says on it "Little People Kill People". The Tribal "S" that is now the slipknot logo, was originally drawn by Joey, Joey also drew the main Slipknot logo, and the big "K" and "T" may come from the fact that at that time he was a HUGE KoRn fan.

Pearl Eliminator P2002c


Untuk harga double pedal Eliminator P2002c nya pearl di Indonesia sendiri jika dalam rupiah masih pada kisaran Rp 2.400.000 include softcase, buku panduan dll.


The P-2002C is a double pedal complete set based on the revolutionary P-2000C. Pearl’s PowerShifter Eliminator provides the ultimate in player tunability and control. With a choice of 6 different cams (4 included and 2 sold separately), 4 beater faces, PowerShifter functionality and complete control over pedal surface grip or slip, this is the most tuner friendly pedal available.

  • Double Chain
  • US.PAT.5574237
    Our revolutionary PowerShifter function provides 3 positions to fine tune the power and feel of the pedal. By moving the footboard forward or back, you change the chain or belt drive angle, thus changing the leverage to create a light, regular, or strong feel.
Independant Traction Grips
  • The PowerShifter Eliminator’s Traction Plate footboard insert allows you to remove and reconfigure each individual traction grip to suit your exact playing requirements. From maximum grip to full slide and everything in between, the choice is yours. The Traction Plate also reverses to focus the slide or grip surfaces to either the toe or heel of the pedal.
Zero Play Hinge
  • US.PAT.7179978B2
    Our stainless steel hinge is manufactured with incredibly precise tolerances to prevent play between the footboard and heel, yet provides maximum freedom of motion for blazing speed.
Roller Hoop Clamp
  • US.PAT.5726370
    Our Roller Cam Hoop Clamp multiplies each turn of the adjustment knob to speed the process of attaching the pedal to the hoop. It fits an extremely wide range of hoop thicknesses, and offers the smoothest, most secure grip possible.
Wide Tension-Range Spring
  • Our counter spring has been designed to perfectly compliment the weight and balance of the footboard and beater assembly. It also offers a much wider range of adjustability, allowing you to fine tune the pedal tension to suit your playing style.
Uni-Pressure Spring Clamp
  • Our Uni-Pressure Spring Clamp System grips a full 360 degrees, and allows infinite beater angle adjustments. Featuring a unique Floating Spring Pendulum design that is perfectly centered on the clamp, this system offers full precision bearing movement for unmatched smoothness.
  • US.PAT.5610351
    Our QuadBeater provides four different beater surfaces, each with its own distinct sound. You can choose from 2 hard plastic surfaces or 2 felt surfaces, and either pinpoint or line contact with the head.
  • The DuoBeat Beater offers two different faces, plastic and felt, for great versatility of sound of single surface beaters. Its two beaters for the price of one.
The P-2002C is also available in a belt drive model, the P-2002B.
It is also available in a Double Pedal Complete Left- Footed Set, the P-2002CL and the P-2002BL
The P-2000 and P-1000 SERIES pedals come standard with Custom Carry bags.

Source : www.pearldrums.com

Friday, August 20, 2010

Proses pembuatan Drum TAMA

proses awal:
bahan2 kayu yang belom diproses

proses pemotongan pake alat, motongnya musti pas banget gan...gak boleh kurang/lebih meskipun cuma 1 mm, untuk itulah sebelum dipotong, kayu didiemin beberapa hari biar suhunya sama

proses selanjutnya adalah penggulungan
proses ini adalah membentuk kayu jadi berbentuk silinder, langkah pertama adalah menyelipkan kayu pada suatu wadah

dipukul-pukul biar pas

sekarang isi tengah gulungan/lapisan di lem dulu (satu drum nanti isinya 3 lapis gan) gunanya adalah biar lapisan pertama (paling luar) dan lapisan ketiga (paling dalam) nempel di lapisan dua ini (lapisan tengah)

setelah ketiga lapisan masuk ke wadah, baru di tambahin silinder

silindernya dikunci dulu biar rapet...

dan hasilnya seperti ini gan...

proses selanjutnya adalah pemotongan drum biar ukurannya pas sesuai standar

yang dilingkari merah ntu gergaji potongnya gan

setelah itu, permukaannya dihalusin gan...luar dalam

pemasangan ring/cincin:
napa seh gan kok musti dikasih ring??
ring ini fungsinya untuk menjaga snare drum tetep fokus

Spoiler for finishing:
mulai tahap akhir gan, dibuat jaket dulu gan

jaketnya dipasangin di drumnya

jaketnya dipasin lagi

pemotongan tepi:

setelah proses selesai, tepi drum dipotong lagi gan biar bener2 sesuai standar

meskipun pemotongannya pake mesin yang canggih tapi tetep dicek lagi secara manual

pinggirannya dihalusin

pemasangan asesoris:

tahap akhir tinggal pasang pelengkapnya seperti "lugs" secara manual alias pake tangan..

tinggal pasang snare deh...

Source: www.kaskus.co.us

Romanticlaters (new single 2010)

Coming soon...

Good Charlotte (New Single 2010)

01. Counting the Days
02. Like It's Her Birthday

Anberlin (new single 2010)

Trakck list:
1. Impossible
2. We Owe This To Ourselves
3. Pray Tell

Stone sour upcoming new album

Stone Sour's upcoming new album Audio Secrecy which is available on September 7th!

Stone sour new single 2010

Stone sour new single 2010 called say you'll haunt me is released!! and available at iTunes.com. the new video of song say you'll haunt me is released on Tuesday July 27th at 6:00am EST on MTV2 and MTVu!! "Say You'll Haunt Me" is the first single from Stone Sour's upcoming new album Audio Secrecy which is available on September 7th!

Slipknot dvd (sic)nesses


Slipknot To Release New DVD In September 28

On June 13, 2009, SLIPKNOT headlined the annual Download Festival in the UK, performing in front of 80,000 of their rabid fans. The performance was absolutely electric, in typical Slipknot fashion, especially since it came hot on the heels of one of the strongest years in Slipknot’s illustrious career.

Perhaps most importantly, (sic)nesses is one of the final major performances for founding member Paul Gray, who tragically passed away in May 2010. While initially unintended, the concert is a testament to the legacy of Gray, where fans can enjoy a lasting glimpse of the bassist doing what he loved most.

Additionally, the DVD also includes a 45-minute behind the scenes documentary created by band percussionist Clown, as well as all four music videos from the All Hope Is Gone cycle.

Lastly, All Hope is Gone has gained Platinum status, capping off a passionate, turbulent and ultimately unforgettable album cycle.


  1. 742617000027
  2. (sic)
  3. Eyeless
  4. Wait and Bleed
  5. Get This
  6. Before I Forget
  7. Sulfur
  8. The Blister Exists
  9. Dead Memories
  10. Left Behind
  11. Disasterpiece
  12. Vermilion
  13. Everything Ends
  14. Psychosocial
  15. Duality
  16. People=Shit
  17. Surfacing
  18. Spit it Out

Audible Visions Of (sic)nesses
45 minute film directed by M. Shawn Crahan that captures Slipknot on the road during the All Hope Is Gone cycle

1. Psychosocial
2. Dead Memories
3. Sulfur
4. Snuff

1. Snuff

source : Roadrunner records uk

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Saosin New album 2010


Saosin - Changing it's the name of brand new album from saosin in 2010. This album is has been released and available at stores. And you can download it too from iTunes.com the radio edit version. the songs from this album is feel some different from another album from saosin before just like the title is Changing. enjoy the album!

Monday, August 16, 2010

LOVE - AVA (2010)

Love - Angels and Airwaves

Angels and airwaves new album in 2010 called LOVE, this album was released in February 14 '10 when Valentine's day. And it's free! you can download it officialy at www.modlife.com or you can download it here. Enjoy it!!

Track list :
1. “Et Ducit Mundum Per Luce” 2:34
2. “The Flight of Apollo” 6:15
3. “Young London” 5:04
4. “Shove” 6:35
5. “Epic Holiday” 4:38
6. “Hallucinations” 4:39
7. “The Moon-Atomic (…Fragments and Fictions)” 6:17
8. “Clever Love” 4:27
9. “Soul Survivor (…2012)” 4:05
10. “Letters to God, Part II” 4:06
11. “Some Origins of Fire” 5:20

Saturday, August 14, 2010


new single in brand new album called Woman and Children last. My dark place alone the new title of single has released a couple of month ago and available on iTunes.com. And the official music video is released too. To more information you can visit www.murderdollsband.com or roadrunnerrecords site.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Secret Garden (1993)

The Secret Garden (1993)

Genre : Dama/ Family

"The Secret Garden" is a 1993 film adaptation of the book of the same name by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The film was directed by Agnieszka Holland and released on August 13, 1993.

Main Cast

producer = Francis Ford Coppola (Exec. Prod.)
director = Agnieszka Holland
writer = Frances Hodgson Burnett (book)
Caroline Thompson (screenplay)
starring = Kate Maberly
Heydon Prowse
Andrew Knott
Maggie Smith
John Lynch
music = Zbigniew Preisner
cinematography = Roger Deakins & Jerzy Zielinski
editing = Isabelle Lorente
distributor = Warner Bros. Family Entertainment
released = August 13, 1993
runtime = 102 min.
language = English
imdb_id = 0108071


"The Secret Garden" is adapted from the 1909 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

The recently-orphaned Mary Lennox travels from her home in India to her uncle Archibald Craven's hundred-room house, Misselthwaite Manor, in Yorkshire, England. Mary, materially spoiled but emotionally neglected by her late parents, is rather unpleasant and unhappy in her new surroundings. Martha, a Yorkshire girl working as a maid, and her brother Dickon Sowerby, a boy who can talk to animals, befriend and help her to heal and grow. She discovers her deceased aunt's secret garden, which has been locked for ten years and enlists Dickon to help her bring it to life.

Hidden away in the gloomy house is Mary's cousin Colin, who has been treated all his life like a fragile, sickly invalid. This exaggeration has augmented what smaller problems he did have, turning him into a demanding, short-tempered, helpless boy. Mary, defying the orders of Mrs Medlock (who runs Misselthwaite), discovers Colin and is taken aback by his disposition, but reaches out to him anyway. Soon Colin, Mary, and Dickon all spend their time in the secret garden. They perform "magic"; barefoot, they make a large bonfire and play a flute, dance round it, and chant, while Colin asks the magic to send his father. Colin learns to walk and gets quite well, which his father Archibald discovers upon his return to Misselthwaite.

Differences between film and book

A number of minor changes were made in adapting the story for the screen, though the major plot points and character qualities remain, resulting in a considerably faithful retelling. Following is a list of some of the differences:

*In the book, Mary's parents die of cholera epidemic; in the film, an earthquake and the resulting mayhem (a charging elephant and a fire at a large party) lead to their deaths.
*In the book, Mary is blonde, plain and sallow; in the film, she has brown hair and appears to be considerably healthier.
*In the book, Archibald Craven's wife is Mary's aunt through her father. In the movie, his wife was twin sister to Mary's mother.
*In the book, Mary discovers the key to the locked garden rather by accident after a robin digs it up. In the movie, she finds it in her aunt's room and initially doesn't know what it is for, but remembers it when finding the door to the garden.
*In the book, Mary finds the door to the garden when the wind blows back the ivy covering it. In the movie, a robin leads her to the area where the door is before the wind blows away the ivy.
*Mrs. Medlock of this film is a much more stern character than her counterpart in the book.
*In the book, Martha and Dickon's mother, Susan Sowerby, writes to Archibald and requests that he should go home to the children. This is after he has had the dream which is partly interpreted in the film, of his wife saying she is in the garden. However, in the film, he has the dream because of the influence of Colin's magic in wanting him home, and Susan Sowerby has nothing to do with it.
*A romantic attraction between Mary and Dickon, and Colin towards Mary, is hinted at in the film, but is not evident in the book.
*In the movie, Mary's wardrobe is black, whereas in the book her new wardrobe is colorful because Mr. Craven despises black.
*In the book Dickon has red hair, but in the film, he has dark brown hair.
*In the book, Archibald Craven's wife Lilias fell out of a tree when the branch snapped, and died from the fall, and the tiring incident of Colin's birth. In the film, she fell off the swing, and the pre-mentioned events then followed.
*In the book, Colin Craven has his mother's grey eyes, and Mary resembles her by her hair, and other features. However, in the film, Lord Craven suggests that it is Mary who has her aunt's eyes, and Colin says he looks nothing like his mother.
*The pictures of Lord Craven and his pregnant wife on the swing never existed in the book.
*In the film, Mary's aunt and mother, being twin sisters, which is not true in the book, have similar things. Mary mentions a similar dressing table. And also, the ivory elephant of her mother's which Mary breaks in her anger before the earthquake (also not true in the book) has a twin which sits on that very dressing table in her aunt's room. However, in the book, Mary never visits her aunts room, and sees the ivory elephants in what she calls an Indian room, while wandering about when she first comes to Misselthwaite.

Eksternal link : www.imdb.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Linkin Park new album 2010

Linkin park is back! siapa yang nggak kenal band rock asal amrik Linkin Park. Mereka akan segera merilis album teranyar mereka yg berjudul A Thousand Suns dan telah meluncurkan single hits pertama mereka yang berjudul catalyst pada 2 agustus 2010 kemaren. tapi sayangny kamu harus menunggu sejenak, karena album ini akan dirilis nanti pada tanggal 14 September 2010. Dan kamu bisa melihat preview albumnya di iTunes.com dan ini design cover dari album terbaru mereka.

Yip man

Yip Man lahir pada tahun 1898 di kota Fushan di kabupaten Namhoi, Provinsi Kwangtung, di Tiongkok Selatan, seorang anak dari sebuah keluarga pedagang kaya. Keluarga Yip Man mengijinkan master Chan Wah Shun, seorang jago silat aliran Wing Chun, untuk hidup dan mengajar sekelompok kecil murid-murid di kuil keluarga, karena reputasi master Chan sebagai seorang pesilat yang menghalau pencuri dan penyamun yang menyerang bisnis keluarga. Pada umur 9 tahun akhirnya Yip Man menjadi murid master Chan Wah Sun.

Pada satu kesempatan Yip berani untuk pergi menantang seorang master kungfu tua yang bekerja di perusahaan sutra. Pria itu berusia 50-an dan sangat eksentrik. Yip Man menemui orang tersebut, Yip pertama-tama mengeluarkan seluruh jurus Siu Lim Tao dari Wing Chun. Setelah itu orang tua
itu setuju untuk sebuah pertandingan, Yip segera menyerang orang tua itu dan mendapati dirinya tercebur ke perairan Hongkong Bay.

Setelah berulang kali mencoba dan mengulangi serangan-serangan, tak ada satu pun yang mengenai sasaran. Yip Man pun akhirnya ingin belajar dari orang tua itu. Yip Man segera tahu bahwa lelaki tua itu adalah Leung Bik. Leung Bik menjelaskan perbedaan dalam Wing Chun yang diajarkannya dibandingkan gaya Shun Chan dan mulai mengajar Yip Man sebagai seorang murid.

Yip Man dan Leung Bik belajar bersama selama dua setengah tahun. Yip Man kembali ke Fushan dan berkata kepada seniornya tentang lelaki tua itu bahwa ia telah bertemu. Ketika seniornya mengejek dia, Yip Man menantang mereka dan mengalahkan mereka dengan pengetahuan barunya. Yip Man tinggal di Fushan di mana ia terlibat dengan polisi dan mengangkat nama keluarga. Yip Man Pada tahun 1948 melarikan diri ke Hong Kong selama Revolusi oleh Jepang.

Di Hong Kong, menjadi seorang tunawisma dan tidak punya uang, Yip Man diberikan perlindungan dan bekerja di sebuah restoran. Yip Man mengamati instruktur (Leung Sheung) yang mengajar suatu kelas di restoran tersebut. Leung Sheung pada waktu itu seorang praktisi kung fu Bak Mei. Setelah mengamati kelas selama beberapa waktu, Yip Man mendemonstrasikan keterampilan Wing Chun-nya pada Leung Sheung. Yip Man pun menjadikan Leung Sheung sebagai murid pertama di Hong Kong. Setelah ini Yip Man mulai mengajar Wing Chun ke Asosiasi Pekerja Restoran. Yip Man akhirnya pindah tempat pengajaran

.Kelas kungfu Yip man

Yip man bersama Bruce lee

Pada Waktu itu juga sebelum kematiannya. Ia memutuskan untuk membuat film 8 mm tentang “Teknik Wooden Dummy’ Untuk meninggalkan warisan tentang teknik yang benar kepada anak dan cucunya. Ketika menonton versi asli film ini dapat terlihat dengan jelas bahwa Yip Man menggunakan kekuatan terakhir kekuatannya untuk menfilmkan teknik dummy-nya. Selama waktu ini, dia masih terus pergi ke rumah teh atau makan keluar di malam hari dengan murid-muridnya.

Anak kecil di film IP MAN 1, yang imut-imut dan lucu itu, adalah anak kecil yang dideskripsikan sebagai anak pertama dari Yip Man. Inilah sosok anak itu sekarang, Yip Chun, anak tertua dari Yip Man, Sebagai pewaris Wing Chun dari sang ayah, Yip Chun ingin melestarikan orisinalitas teknik Wing Chun dalam keluarganya.

Donnie yen dan Yip Chun

Yang nonton IP MAN 2 pasti tahu anak yg lahir dan diberi Nama Yip Ching. Itulah dia deskripsi anak kedua dari Yip Man. Yip Ching adalah anak terakhir dari Yip Man dan adik dari Yip Chun, Sekaligus Pewaris Aliran WIng CHun Saat ini.

Yip Ching

Sumber : http://unik.bengkel-matematika.com
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